2013年 全球预言(五)纬度23度半旱灾会经过的国家Global Prophecy of 2013, No 5

Please scroll down to view the English version of the article.

1)2010 年 11月11日凌晨的祷告中

 一副异象: 一个使者在干裂的土地上行走,他穿一件象风衣样子的袍子, 灰黑色。 他和袍子经过的地方,草木枯干,欣欣向荣的景象就黯淡下来,城市也是如此,没有草木,鲜活的空气变干涩和凝重起来。有声音说,是带来旱灾的使者。明年和以后各国迎来多处的干旱同时,会遇见暴雨成灾。 留意:纬度23度半(从里面出来的声音),旱灾会经过的国家。

通货膨胀, 粮食缺乏而涨价。

2010 年 12月10日凌晨的祷告中

 一副异象:一匹马拖一辆马车,从南方跑出来。它的身后拖拽的是大水。马车向北靠近,洪灾就跟在马车后。有声音说, 洪灾出现,旱灾就遇见。


2013年6月24日 在祷告中,一条覆盖部分南北半球的宽宽的带状的阴影再次在我眼前的地球仪上出现。终于看见可以画旱灾带了。

感動:北纬23度半 穿过的国家大约有:墨西哥,巴哈马,毛里塔尼亚,马里,阿尔及利亚,利比亚,埃及;沙特,阿联酋,阿曼,印度,孟加拉国,缅甸,中国,台湾,美国,摩洛哥,突尼斯。

南纬23度半 穿过的国家大约有:智利,阿根廷,巴拉圭,巴西,纳米比亚,博茨瓦纳,南非,莫桑比克,马达加斯加;澳大利亚。

中间的国家大约有: 加蓬,刚果,卢旺达,乌干达,肯尼亚,索马里;印度尼西亚,瑙鲁,基里巴斯;厄瓜多尔,哥伦比亚,巴西。

粮食缺乏和通货膨胀的原因之一是因为洪灾和旱灾的出现, 我们会遇见象《启示录》里描写的日子:启6:6   我听见在四活物中似乎有声音说:“一钱银子买一升麦子,一钱银子买三升大麦,油和酒不可糟蹋。”

钱会贬值,许多国家的人只能用工资来购买食物和必需品, 没有足够的钱买其它物品。 而另外的一部分人,却可以糟蹋 油和酒, 极度奢侈当中。


全球旱灾带 http://drought.mssl.ucl.ac.uk/drought.html?map=%2Fwww%2Fdrought%2Fweb_pages%2Fdrought.map&program=%2Fcgi-bin%2Fmapserv&root=%2Fwww%2Fdrought2%2F&map_web_imagepath=%2Ftmp%2F&map_web_imageurl=%2Ftmp%2F&map_web_template=%2Fdrought.html

酷暑乾旱夾擊中國,內地缺水農作物漲價,重慶等13省區市遭受旱災 2013-08-07


高温干旱夹击 中国简直是赤地千里 2013-08-11


浙江绍兴现44.1℃高温 大量蔬菜被烤焦 2013年08月12日


大陸高溫爆表 6省飆破40℃ 2013年08月12日


美國政府「聯邦緊急事務管理署(Federal Emergency Management Agency )」於7/29寫信給食物供應商,要求在短時間內運送大量食物,然而那廠商拒絕了,為的是不讓美國政府獨佔那些食物,而能分享眾民。


美國政府於1999年就已經知道2013年的太陽耀斑會帶來饑荒,以及數百萬人性命的喪失。 如今,曾於美國美國國家安全局(NSA)工作,如今在逃亡的斯諾登,他把此機密文件給公諸於世。 斯諾登聲稱將於今年的九月,太陽耀斑會帶給地球一場巨變。 (之前有上載大家一篇,美國FEMA欲購買大量緊急糧食,與此有關。)



新西兰 New Zealand parched as worst drought in 30 years takes toll


美国德州 In 2013, Texas Drought Could Be Worst Ever In Some Areas




 2)2013 年 06月24日祷告中

 一副异象:南美的地图出现,一个城市郊外的(有些房子建在坡上,2层楼,3层楼,4层楼都有,白色,砖红色都有。只是没有看见高层建筑,偏红色的泥土地)。 震源在那里发生,人会惊吓而跑, 灰尘滚滚。

 3)2013 年 06月24日祷告中

一副异象:远处白色房子的一半淹没在水中,两三位皮肤偏深色的男子(南美人)手扶大木板在泅水,木板(几片钉在一起, 并不非常牢固)上一个老人坐在上面。水中行走是比较艰难的。

感動: 南美安地斯山脉经过的一些国家,多国再度发生暴雨,洪灾,风暴灾害

 4)2011 年 07月的一天,主赐下一节经文给OMEGA MINISTRY 的团队 (这也是赐给神在末后在世上所隐藏的约珥的军队), 2013年6月27日再度提醒我们

约珥书2:28书2:28 “以后,我要将我的灵浇灌凡有血气的,你们的儿女要说预言,你们的老年人要做异梦,少年人要见异象。“

约珥书2: 1 “你们要在锡安吹角,在我圣山吹出大声!国中的居民都要发颤,因为耶和华的日子将到,已经临近。

你们是约珥的大军,神的军队,神在夜间训练你们,圣灵在白日引导你们, 你们能听见主明确的指教,因为恩膏在里面指教你们, 你们不再说,我是瞎眼的,我是耳聋的,我是无力的……,主要在感动中苏醒你,在异梦中指教你,在异象里带领你,在主的话里刚强你。

(主坐在桌子前面,用毛笔书写一个”赢“字,”赢“ 字是专门给对面的仇敌看的,仇敌不需要倒过来看,那字站在仇敌的那个方向来看就是正面的,主与他对面的仇敌说,OMEGA就是这样写给你看。这是我们当中一位姐妹在6月份的异梦)

你们的里面就是单单充满对耶稣的热情和圣灵的能力,那个对耶稣深深的爱的回应就击垮仇敌一切。 起来吧,快跑吧,约珥的大军,神要带领你进入新的季节。

———————– English Version——–

1) On November 11 2010, when I was praying in the early morning,

One Vision showed. An angel, who wore a grey-black robe which also looks like a windbreaker, was walking on the dry chapped land. The places he and his robe passed through withered the bushes. The prosperity was declining. So was the city, with no plants, and the fresh air was dry and heavy. There’s a voice saying, “He’s the angel that brings drought. Next year and later, while there’re droughts in every nation, the storms will result in disaster. Caution: The nations that passes through the Latitude 23.5° will have the droughts. Inflation and food deficiency that cause price rising will happen.

On December 10 2010, when I was praying in the early morning,

One vision showed. A horse pulled a horsecar, coming from the south. Behind it was a flood. The horsecar approached the north, followed with the flood. There’s a voice saying, “Flood comes, and then drought shows.”

One night in 2011, a broad strip of the shadow that covered the partial Northern and Southern Hemisphere revealed on the tellurion before my eyes. They were the drought regions on the Latitude 23.5°.

On June 24 2013, when I was praying, that broad strip of the shadow that covered the partial Northern and Southern Hemisphere showed again on the tellurion before my eyes. Finally I can draw the drought regions on the map after seeing it.


The nations that pass the Northern Latitude 23.5° roughly are Mexico, Bahamas, Mauritania, Mali, Algeria, Libya, Egypt; Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, India, Bangladesh, Burma, China, Taiwan, the United States, Morocco and Tunisia.

The nations that pass the Southern Latitude 23.5° roughly are Chile, Argentina, Paraguay, Brazil, Namibia, Botswana, South Africa, Mozambique, Madagascar and Australia.

The nations between them roughly are Gabon, the Congo, Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya, Somalia, Indonesia, Nauru, Kiribati; Ecuador, Colombia and Brazil.

One of the reasons that induces the food deficiency and the inflation is because of the flood and the drought. We will run into the days that are written in the Revelation. Revelation chapter 6 verse 6, “Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, “Two pounds of wheat for a day’s wages, and six pounds of barley for a day’s wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!”
The money will depreciate. People in many nations can just be able to buy food and necessities with their wages. They don’t have extra money to afford other things. However, other people can waste the oil and the wine in luxury.

Came Ture:Global Drought Monitor http://drought.mssl.ucl.ac.uk/drought.html?map=%2Fwww%2Fdrought%2Fweb_pages%2Fdrought.map&program=%2Fcgi-bin%2Fmapserv&root=%2Fwww%2Fdrought2%2F&map_web_imagepath=%2Ftmp%2F&map_web_imageurl=%2Ftmp%2F&map_web_template=%2Fdrought.html

酷暑乾旱夾擊中國,內地缺水農作物漲價,重慶等13省區市遭受旱災 2013-08-07


高温干旱夹击 中国简直是赤地千里 2013-08-11


浙江绍兴现44.1℃高温 大量蔬菜被烤焦 2013年08月12日


大陸高溫爆表 6省飆破40℃ 2013年08月12日


Recently my friend who owns a preparedness and survival food company was contacted by FEMA and the questions might scare you.


Edward Snowden: Solar-Flare ‘Killshot’ Cataclysm Imminent

“Now [Edward Snowden] has provided The Internet Chronicle with top-secret Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) documents outlining just how terrible the solar flares’ results will be. In just two months, “the killshot” is set to disable all electronic food and water delivery systems.” Except that Edward Snowden may not have even said this. So what’s going on here?


2) On June 24 2013, when I was praying,

One vision showed. The map of the South America revealed. The location was a suburb. (Some houses were built on the slopes with 2, 3 or 4 stories. They had colors with white or red. No high buildings were there. Dirt in the ground was close to red.) The quake center was there. People were scared and running. The dirt was billowing in the sky. Impression: Brazil earthquake.

Impression: Brazil will have earthquake and the quake center will happen on the place that has constructions.

3) On June 24 2013, when I was praying,

One vision showed. One house faraway was drowned half under the water. Several men with dark skin (South American people) supported a big plank with their hands, wallowing in the water. There’s an elder on a plank (which is made by several woods and unstable.) It’s pretty difficult to walk in the water.

Impression: Heavy rains, floods and storms will again strike the nations on which Mt. Andes locates.

4) Someday in July 2011, the Lord gave OMEGA MINISTRY a Scripture. (which is given to the army of Joel that is veiled at the end time.) On June 27 2013, the Lord reminded us that “And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people.

Your sons and daughters will prophesy,

your old men will dream dreams,

your young men will see visions.” (Joel 2:28)

“Blow the trumpet in Zion;

sound the alarm on my holy hill. Let all who live in the land tremble,

for the day of the LORD is coming.

It is close at hand. (Joel 2:1)

You are the army of Joel, the army of the Almighty. God will train you during the night and the Holy Spirit will guide you in the day. You can be able to listen to the clear teaching from the Lord, because the anointing is inside you to lead you. You will never say “I’m blind. I’m deaf. I’m unable……” The Lord will move and wake you up, and guide you in the dream and lead you with the vision and strengthen you with the words of God.

(The Lord was sitting at the table, writing “WIN” in Chinese character with a brush. “WIN” is written for the enemy who sit against us. The enemy didn’t need to read it upside down. For the enemy, the character is upright viewed from the opposite side. The Lord spoke to the enemy, “That’s exactly what OMEGA writes.” This is the dream of one sister in our ministry on June.)

Your hearts are filled with the passion toward Jesus and the power of Holy Spirit. The response to the love of Jesus Christ can defeat anything from the enemy. Arise! Run! The army of Joel! The Lord will propel you into the whole new season.