列國 十年短暫機會

“Short, 10-Year Window in the Nations”

by Chuck D. Pierce November 30, 2016



香港國度復興報編譯報道 11/12/2016 (11 基斯流月 5777)

恰克說主在11月27日告訴他”未來的10天是至關重要的 “

Chuck says the Lord told him on Nov. 27, “The next 10 days are critical.”

恰克‧皮爾斯(Chuck Pierce)最近撰文表示,他領受未來十年世界將出現迎接復興的短暫機會,而俄羅斯、香港與美國將組成如三角形的結構,使列國對齊。他又指,美國大選後,神正在設立一個新系統去重塑未來美國,而下任總統特朗普會令列國和以色列對齊。

「這短暫的十年將是一個迎接復興的機會。」他特別提到古巴,說古巴前領袖卡斯特羅(Fidel Castro)的逝世及特朗普(Donald Trump)的上任將代表新的對齊,將會是影響末後大收割的翻轉。而古巴將會「活過來」。另外,俄羅斯今年亦會非常突出,神正在俄羅斯教會中興起真使徒運動和先知性的運作。


“Short, 10-Year Window in the Nations”

by Chuck D. Pierce, Corinth, TX via Charisma News

November 30, 2016

[Jennifer LeClaire, Charisma News writes]: Chuck Pierce is calling the month ahead “critical.” I sense this urgency in my spirit also and encourage you to partner with him in declaring what Heaven is declaring in alignment and unity with Heaven.

Chuck perceives the heavens are declaring the glory of God, according to Psalm 19. Our response, he says, should be to meditate on this glory all month and watch for glory interactions wherever you are.

Chuck says the Lord told him on Nov. 27, “The next 10 days are critical.”

[Chuck continues]: “Everything seems critical and for the Lord to say it like that…there’s still something about this election we’re not getting. This is a God-thing we are in, and things are going to turn upside down,” Chuck shares. “I gave a word eight years ago that said, ‘In 2016, the Electoral College will be the issue.’ God is dealing with a structure in this nation that will cause the future to be reprogrammed.”

In his prophetic discussion, Chuck also asserts Russia will again be prominent this year. One can see the stage being set for this reality. Chuck insists its vital to understand what God is doing in the Church in Russia.

“With Fidel Castro dying, things are about to change as never before,” Chuck says. “It has to do with the way we worship in freedom. It has to do with us in this nation and the nations aligning…What is happening right now is very key. With Fidel Castro dying and Donald Trump coming into office, there will be a realignment. The nations are realigning in the earth for a great latter-day shift, a great harvest shift, great movement from Russia into Israel for fulfillment. You’re looking at a real key team in that shift.”

Prophetically, Chuck sees a true apostolic move coming, one that has never been in Russia, and he declares the prophetic dynamic of that nation will come alive.

“There is only a short, 10-year window for this revival. Russia, Hong Kong and America represent a triangle God is forming; He is redoing the alignments of the nations. Because of Mr. Trump, we will remain aligned with Israel for this short, 10-year window,” Chuck says. “What it represents in your life is an unlocking and a restoration of the captivities of the past. This is a fulfillment of the captivities of the past being broken off of us. You are in a place where the glory of God will realign nations. All the dragon nations will have to realign. What you are hearing today is key. Don’t try to understand it with your mind. It will redo the way we do things in days ahead. Quit being legalistic in the way you think and operate; this is a time of change like never before.”

Chuck plans to pull an apostolic-prophetic network from every one of those nations and review the teachings that need to get in. Then, he prophesies, Cuba will come alive.

“The door to Cuba that is now open will be an open door with many, many enemies involved. I say to Florida, get ready! You must secure a glory road throughout that state or else what would come through will form a government in Atlanta,” Chuck says.

“This is a time that I am realigning the lands and the people of the lands. Lay down your prejudices and your political gleanings—what I am doing is way above this. I am creating a government in the earth that will shake things in a new way. I am working both the heavens and the earth. These next 10 days are critical to aligning the heavens, the earth and the nations of the earth. Get ready, for I have brought you here for a time such as this.”